
Suitable for double cropping Learn more about Suitable for double cropping

  • What are the potato varieties suitable for double cropping?

    What are the potato varieties suitable for double cropping?

    What are the potato varieties suitable for double cropping? There are many potato varieties suitable for double cropping, all of which are early maturing type, short growth period, disease resistance and good quality. Such as Lu potato l, Lu potato 2, Fengshoubai, Zhengshu 2, Dongnong 303, Luyin

    2020-11-27 Suitable for double cropping crop potato variety what is suitable for
  • The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    On July 13, the demonstration side of 200 mu double-season corn in Lianzhu Village, Lianzhu Town, Quzhou County, Hebei Province began to harvest. This is the earliest spring corn harvested in Hebei Province and even in North China. Director of double-cropping Maize experiment and demonstration Project and Professor of School of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University

    2016-01-10 Integrated technologically mature North China plain can grow double season corn season
  • Interplanting corn and these crops, the yield has doubled, which is worth using for reference!

    Interplanting corn and these crops, the yield has doubled, which is worth using for reference!

    Interplanting is a way of intensive use of time, which can not only make full use of space, but also increase crop yield. there are many things that can be interplanted with corn and a wide range of applications, and many lower plants are suitable for interplanting with corn. Corn and these

    2020-11-09 Corn and this several kinds crops interplanting yield double it's worth it.
  • The latest seed price and planting method of Zizania caduciflora

    The latest seed price and planting method of Zizania caduciflora

    Zizania caduciflora is a common aquatic vegetable, also known as high melon, bamboo shoots, tall bamboo shoots, etc., is a perennial root herb of Gramineae, which is divided into double-cropping and single-cropping Zizania latifolia (or single-cropping Zizania latifolia). Generally, double-cropping Zizania latifolia (double-cropping Zizania latifolia) has higher yield.

    2020-11-10 The latest Zizania latifolia seed price and planting method Zizania caduciflora is
  • The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

    The integrated technology is mature and double-cropping corn can be planted in the North China Plain.

  • Changing the phenomenon of "six more and six less" is the key to improve the per unit yield of double cropping rice in Jiangxi.

    Changing the phenomenon of

    Rice is the most important food crop in Jiangxi. Improving the per unit area yield of double-cropping rice is an important way to ensure Jiangxi's status as the main grain producing area and to ensure Jiangxi to make greater contribution to national food security. In recent years, although the per unit yield of double-cropping rice in Jiangxi has increased steadily, the phenomenon of low yield has not changed much. Compared with neighboring Hunan, each 667m2 is lower in 50~60kg. The analysis shows that the phenomenon of "six more and six less" is the main reason for the low per unit yield of rice in Jiangxi. The main results are as follows: 1. the amount of sowing is more and the amount of seed is less. Cultivate

  • How to control flax spot of Zizania caduciflora

    How to control flax spot of Zizania caduciflora

    Zizania caduciflora, also known as high melon, bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots. It is a perennial perennial herb of the genus Gramineae. It is divided into double season Zizania latifolia and single season Zizania latifolia (or divided into one mature Zizania latifolia and two cropping Zizania latifolia). The yield of double cropping Zizania latifolia (double cropping Zizania latifolia) is higher and the quality is good. The ancients

    2020-11-08 Zizania latifolia flax leaf spot how to control Zizania caduciflora also known as Gaogua
  • New cultivation technique of Film mulching of Potato with High Ridge and double Row

    New cultivation technique of Film mulching of Potato with High Ridge and double Row

    1. Rational crop rotation in order to make economical and effective use of soil fertility and prevent soil-borne diseases, pests and weeds, it is necessary to avoid potato cropping or planting on other root and tuber stubble, and do not rotate with other eggplant crops such as eggplant and tomato, otherwise the yield will be reduced by 15% and 20%. Potato can be rotated with cereal and legume crops for more than 3 years. two。 Soil preparation and ridging potatoes are suitable for planting in deep and loose soil, and deep ploughing and fine soil preparation. Cut down the stubble in time after the previous crop harvest, ploughing 25 cm deep.

  • A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    Zhejiang Agricultural University 454 is a new mid-ripening and late waxy variety selected by the Department of Agronomy of Zhejiang University from the double cross combination C 889 / Zhong 8029ip / Tai 202. After 4 years and 7 generations of ward identification and selection, the disease was finalized. The trial planting was expanded to more than tens of thousands of mu in 1998 and was approved by the Variety approval Committee of Zhejiang Province in March 1999. The characteristics of Zhejiang Agricultural University are about 80cm in height, medium tillering ability, thin and tough stem, more grains per panicle, high seed setting rate, large and full grain, yellow mature green stalk, oval grain, yellow hull and spike tip.

  • Seed price and planting method of Zizania caduciflora

    Seed price and planting method of Zizania caduciflora

    Seed price and planting method of Zizania caduciflora

  • Water-saving cultivation techniques of wheat + millet in double-cropping area in one year

    Water-saving cultivation techniques of wheat + millet in double-cropping area in one year

    Water-saving cultivation techniques of wheat + millet in double-cropping area in one year

  • The Ministry of Agriculture released the wind skills of promoting early maturity and preventing Cold Dew of southern double-cropping late rice in 2014.

    The Ministry of Agriculture released the wind skills of promoting early maturity and preventing Cold Dew of southern double-cropping late rice in 2014.

    The National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center of the Rice expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture (July 31, 2014) at present, the harvest of early rice is coming to an end, and the planting of double-cropping late rice has entered its peak. Affected by low temperature, cloudy and rainy weather, the mature stage of early rice in some areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

    2016-03-20 Ministry of Agriculture release 2014 South double cropping late rice promoting early maturity
  • Research results of Comprehensive Technical Model for increasing yield and increasing efficiency of Rice in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Research results of Comprehensive Technical Model for increasing yield and increasing efficiency of Rice in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Recently, at the comprehensive technology integration demonstration meeting of double-cropping late rice sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, it focused on seven key technologies of double-cropping late rice production from variety selection, seedling raising, field management to harvest. Leaders and experts attending the meeting focused on increasing production and increasing efficiency.

    2016-03-20 China Academy of Agricultural Sciences rice yield increase efficiency synthesis technology model
  • What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    How is the effect of Shachongshuang? Which pests can be controlled by Shachongshuang? What do you need to pay attention to when using Shachongshuang? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the information of the insecticidal Shuang, listed below in detail for netizens' reference. The insecticidal principle of Shachongshuang: Shachongshuang has strong contact and stomach.

  • High-yield cultivation technique of Potato-- double ridges and High soil moisture

    High-yield cultivation technique of Potato-- double ridges and High soil moisture

    Potato cultivated with high moisture content in double ridges is deeply loved by farmers because of its disease-free, large yield increase, good potato shape and high commodity rate. Therefore, double-ridge high soil moisture cultivation has become a technical measure widely adopted by Xuanwei farmers. The cultivation of potato with "double ridges and high moisture content" is characterized by the optimization and integration of improved varieties, good methods and good growth environment; the aim is to increase potato yield and commodity rate, and to increase farmers' income; the core of the technology is "six changes". That is, one is to change the use of many, inferior and miscellaneous varieties into application-leading varieties, and the other is to change the intercropping of corn and potato.

  • Double harvest of potato and spring onions in one place

    Double harvest of potato and spring onions in one place

    First, the cultivation of potato in the previous crop. The potato variety suitable for multiple cropping of potato onions in Xiongyue area is "Dongnong 303", with 15 kg of seeds per mu and 4500 seedlings. two。 Deep ploughing and fertilization in autumn, the depth of the soil is 15cm to 20cm, spring lucky land, 4000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer per mu is used as base fertilizer. 3. Seed potato sprouting in early March, put the selected seed potato in the greenhouse or Kang head for about 10 days. It is suitable for seed potato to be cut into pieces of 20g to 30g, and then to be sown for 6d and 12d.

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of double cropping no-tillage and direct seeding of oil and rice

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of double cropping no-tillage and direct seeding of oil and rice

    Zhejiang Province has a more developed economy and high labor value. at the same time, with the rise of diesel prices, the ploughing fee of cultivated land machinery increases, and the cost of grain and oil production increases year by year. For this reason, the experiment, demonstration and popularization of no-tillage and direct seeding high-yield cultivation techniques of oil and rice double cropping in Zhejiang Province have reduced the cost of grain and oil production and improved the planting benefit. According to the investigation, no-tillage direct seeding rape per mu is 62.5 yuan more cost-effective than transplanting rape, and no-tillage direct seeding late rice per mu is 70.24 yuan more cost-effective than ploughing and transplanting late rice.

  • High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    In recent years, Potato Association of Ziyang District in Yiyang City actively explored potato high-yield cultivation mode, and carried out continuous demonstration planting in Xiangpulun Township, Yingfengqiao Town and Changchun Town, forming a complete set of high-yield cultivation technology system. Spring potato-double cropping rice cultivation. Spring potato selection "Dongnong 303" and other early-maturing varieties, from mid-late December to early January next year sowing, late April to early May harvest. Early rice is selected from late-maturing varieties, and the seedlings are sown sparsely or raised in two stages.

  • Eight new techniques for high yield and high efficiency of grain and oil rotation

    Eight new techniques for high yield and high efficiency of grain and oil rotation

    Eight new techniques for high yield and high efficiency of grain and oil rotation

  • What is nitro compound fertilizer?

    What is nitro compound fertilizer?

    What is nitro compound fertilizer? Please introduce the characteristics of nitro compound fertilizer: nitro compound fertilizer is a kind of double nitrogen fertilizer which contains half of nitrate nitrogen and half of ammonium nitrogen. Among them, nitrate nitrogen is easily soluble in soil solution, can be absorbed and utilized by plant roots in a short time, and can rapidly promote crop growth and development.
